The most up-to-date, standardized valuation of a security until the next trading day
Compare historical pricing data with current prices and conduct detailed analysis with our adjusted closing prices or adjustment factors data feeds.
Efficiently manage and value your portfolio with equity derived data.
The Fixed Income Pricing Service provides clients with a daily source of independent prices for valuations, portfolio analytics, best execution reporting, and risk management calculations.
Get up-to-date information on exchange traded futures and options where the underlying asset is either equity or index.
Obtain fast access to accurate closing pricing data. Data elements include High, Low, Open, Close and Open Interest.
Stay alert to material changes that directly affect your holdings
Manage compliance and operational risk with high quality securities reference data.
Daily, independent prices for valuations, portfolio analytics, best execution reporting, and risk management calculations.
Exchange Traded Notes.
Service provides timely and accurate information on holiday observances affecting financial institutions
Shown on company's balance sheet under the heading 'capital stock' is used to calculate key metrics including market capitalization figures
Efficiently keep track of corporate actions affecting future and option contracts.
Covering IPO’s worldwide. Data announcements are captured at 6 stages.
Corporate Bond Data Dictionary.
The service includes daily updates and historical data to provide end-of-day analytics and reference data.
Net Asset Value
Efficiently control the risk associated with fixed income portfolios with EDI Bond Σ.
Index Constitution
Get market level links between depository receipts and underlying shares.
The Foreign Exchange Rates provides accurate, up-to-date foreign Exchange rates data.
Effortlessly track both a security’s cost basis and its evolution.
The service monitors the market-sentiment indicator that helps investors understand whether a stock’s price is likely to fall.
Empowering investors with the highest quality reference data, comprehensive corporate actions and dividends data plus a daily pricing feed for US Mutual Funds.
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